The Apocalyptic Gospel Podcast explores the Gospel as a first-century Jew would have understood it. A conversation about the Gospel, the Kingdom of God, or the Day of the Lord in the first century would have evoked a body of ideas not immediately present with a simple word study of these terms. In this weekly podcast, a pastor, campus minister, and missionary mine the Torah, Biblical Prophets, and Second Temple writings for the origin and development of these ideas as we help give context to this first-century Jewish message and encourage disciples of Jesus to boldly proclaim it and patiently wait for the God of Israel to fulfill his covenantal promises.
Our podcast’s intro music is an excerpt of The Promise and the Oath by Luke Wood, and our artwork was drawn by Tyson Ranes.
Stay connected with us on Twitter at @ApocGospel.
Meet the contributors

Bill Scofield is a husband to Charis and father of their 7 children. He lives in Redding, CA where he helps oversee a local congregation, plants churches, and teaches regularly on the hope of Israel and the return of Jesus. His drive is to make faithful disciples of Jesus and to teach others to do the same.